Love is not about finding the right person, but creating a right relationship. It's not about how much love you have in the beginning but how much love you build till the end.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

...(gay) mormon guy... a friend posted this link on facebook...

..and seeings how this has been quite the topic lately i decided to check it should check it out too..i'm glad i did..

..first of all, it gave me a perspective on sin in our lives and how general authorities in the LDS church address it that i didn't necessarily see before..

..second, it gave me a better understanding of the perspective of someone who struggles with same-sex attraction but who is very active in the church..

..third, it was a powerful spiritual boost.. i'm an active follower of his blog. his blog is about faith, the love of our Heavenly Father, and the importance of applying the gospel of Jesus Christ in our lives..

..each of us struggles with sins that others don't. we need to be respectful of those around us and not shun them because their choices. i think it's admirable of anyone, regardless of the sin they are struggling with, to take a stand against the advisary and rely on the Lord to provide us with the strength we need overcome them. judging and being disrespectful to someone because they struggle with something and it just happens to be public knowledge isn't right. we each have secrets that we keep and who's to stay they aren't any worse? all i know is that i'm grateful for the example of the Savior and His love for all, clean or not. what a blessing it is to have the restored gospel in our lives..


Jenny Alama said...

I saw your post of this on facebook and I read it as well. So good. What a good example of what we ALL should do, because we all struggle with sins, big and small. I'm grateful for inspired church leaders and faithful members (and friends) that stand up for love and truth.

Jessie Moore said...

THANK YOU SO MUCH for posting this. I have quite a few friends that struggle with same sex attraction and I have been praying to know how to help them. Love you and thank you again!!

Christy said...

I agree that was an awesome read! Thank you for writing about it marissa, we do need to treat others better and not judge because (to qoute Monson)"everyone is doing the best they can with what they have been given, it is our job to help them along their way".

Amanda Jenson said...

Ya I read this when I saw it on your facebook. I completely agree with you. I have none a few gay guys and some LDS gay guys and they really live the gospel. It may not be in the same way we do, because their struggles are different. But I really look up to them. I can't even imagine going through what they do. They're so strong.
Ps. Very cute block background...the spiders kinda scare me though.